Corporate challenge programme

In addition to the World of Practice (WoP) guest lectures, you have the opportunity to introduce your own corporate project into individual classes, for the duration of a full semester, or in a shorter cycle.

The aim of the projects coordinated by WoP is for students at Pécs Business School to work on real problems with real clients during their studies. Thus, our alumni-corporate partners can participate in company-specific competency development while students are still studying, allowing the local community and economic region surrounding the university to benefit sooner from a workforce that is up-to-date with real solutions. Students engage with the given project or problem within the framework of a course, in close collaboration with the course instructor and our partner.

If your company has a project or a problem for which you would welcome innovative ideas and suggestions from our students, please contact the staff of the Alumni Office at one of the following email addresses. Upon your inquiry, our colleagues will identify the most suitable course for your project, contact the instructor, and coordinate all further details together.

Alumni Office:

Boglárka Berényi, responsible for alumni relations: